Squirrels send shirts to Black Pirates RFC

Here is a collection of photographs taken at The Black Pirates Rugby Club in Uganda.
The players are pictured with Katherine Pegler who is the daughter of former Drybrook captain Chris Pegler.
Katherine works for the Office of National Statistics and is currently situated in Uganda. During her time there she has come across a local rugby club called the Black Pirates.
The club run senior and junior teams for men and women, but were struggling to get any kit to play and train in. Katherine contacted her Dad to see if Drybrook Rugby Club could help in any way.
The club were only to pleased to be able to help out, and sent a number of playing shirts and training kit to the Pirates. The pictures below show Katherine presenting some of the playing kits to the Club.
Drybrook are also in the process of gathering together playing and training kit for the Pirates junior players which Katherine will collect on her next visit home.
It is wonderful that Drybrook are in a position to help and further the bond of Rugby Union which makes this such a great sport to be involved in.
We wish the Pirates all the best and hope that the Green Shirts of Drybrook will bring a smile to the face of those who wear them