Bradley Wiggins? – Eat your heart out!

image3In the build up to the Kingsbridge game Neil Morgan and Steve Rawlings pedalled on gym bikes to raise much needed funds for the club’s gym and raise awareness of the superb facility.
They were set off at 12.45pm by the whistle of club chairman Paul Mason and between them they pedalled 150 miles (250km)- the distance from Kingsbridge to Drybrook.
They manged to raise just over £300 with the bucket collection and the money will be used for re-hab equipment for the gym.
The gym is not just a great place for keeping fit but it is also a godsend to help injured players like Neil to re-habilitate after injury!
The club would like to thank Neil and Steve for such a fine effort and to all the supporters (including the Kingsbridge contingent) who generously made donations.